Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Everyday Should Be Thanksgiving Day...

There is only one day a year where it is ok to eat till that top button needs to be un-buttoned, to fill your plate till you can't see any ceramic, to go back for thirds, and to eat ridiculously unhealthy things like giblet gravy.... 1 day and counting! Why does Thanksgiving dinner never get old? I mean, what if I want sushi this year? how 'bout fajitas (or as my brother says-frajitas)? maybe seafood? When it comes down to it... Thanksgiving is not about the meal, it's about being thankful.

"I will Praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving" Psalm 69:30

Why do we only set aside one day a year to focus on all that we are thankful for when we should be thankful each and every day. So often we go to God as if He is a vending machine, pressing A5 and expecting candy to drop from his grip and into our selfish hands. We expect so much, and yet thank Him so rarely. We get consumed with the things of this world without stopping long enough to listen to what He has to say. It is so hard to praise his name in song both when we get our candy, and even when it gets stuck.

The challenge is to be faithful... to be thankful for the blessings of my world. This day is about family, and about love... a love that I am able to share because it was given to me. I am so thankful... for joy and for sorrow, for happiness and for sadness, for laughter and for silence, for friends and for enemies, for good times and for bad, for love and for hate, for the days where my prayers are answered and for the days when they are not... I am thankful for everyday, for it is a precious gift from God!


Katie said...

the last paragraph - PERFECT.

steve said...

But the meal is pretty durn good... you have to admit it!

chirky said...

are you kt's friend Aimee from BSF?

Aim Claim said...

Yes Jes I am

Jenny said...

Amen!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Katie said...

look at all the readers you have

Anonymous said...

you mean its not frajitas?

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »