Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Our Grass

Stepping outside, the back yard looks wonderful... lush, fertile, abundant, and GREEN. The grass between their toes feels great, like no feeling that they have ever felt before. They run, skip, laugh, and play, enjoying the yard that they had always hoped for... exactly what they had hoped for. God pours out sunshine, and rain, giving the land the strength to always grow, tall and mature. He is their gardener, watching over their grass as if it is his own, nurturing and caring for it with love. There is no need to look to greener pastures, this one is theirs. There is no need to wish for more, this one is theirs. Their grass IS greener... as green as they come.


JCR said...

Thanks for the beautifully written metaphor, baby girl.
I love it. "As green as they come"...indeed. :)

Katie said...

very true

Mark D said...

Reminds me of Psalm 23. Good post. :)

Anonymous said...

Love it! In the words of John Mayer, "I don't need another kind of green to know I'm on the right side..."

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