My dog looked at me with head tilted to the side every so slightly and eyes wide and curious, as if to say "don't you want to play?" While I didn't have a minute to play, I reached over with both hands and stroked the sides of my dogs face. He flinched and closed his eyes as I touched his whiskers.
Ever thought about your dog or cat's whiskers? Did you know that whiskers actually have an important function for dogs and cats? Well, whiskers are each an intricate receptor sensing movement and vibrations. Each whisker is twice as long and thick as ordinary hair and it is set three times as deep providing a rich supply of nerve receptors. These whiskers aren't merely a misplaced facial feature, they are in fact a way to sense the presence, size and shape of nearby objects.
I feel like I too have this innate ability given to me by the Lord to sense when things are wrong, or when something bad is about to happen. There is a feeling deep down in my gut that pushes me to move from a situation or to do the right thing. Sometimes I feel uneasy about situations that are not pleasing to the Lord. It's like when I became a Christian I was given a set of whiskers to help me to sense Satan's presence in my life so that I can turn away when he nears. What a blessing it is to have such sensitivity to handle life proactively instead of always dealing with the consequences when I've already run face first into sin.
Ever feel like you have whiskers?
4 years ago
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