Saturday, July 01, 2006

Two Peas in a Pod

Side by side,
Wrapped up in green,
Most perfect pair you’ve ever seen,
Two peas in a pod.

From His garden,
Grown with love,
Most perfect pair from up above,
Two peas in a pod.

One now two,
Round and sweet,
Most perfect pair that’ll ever meet,
Two peas in a pod.

So similar,
But still unique,
A perfect life together they seek,
Two peas in a pod.

Sunday Scribblings Topic : Two Peas in a Pod


Anonymous said...

So similar,
But still unique

A perfect life together they seek,
Two peas in a pod.

I loved reading this. Fantastic!


John E. Tran said...

Wonderful poem! I love this stanza:

From His garden,
Grown with love,
Most perfect pair from up above,
Two peas in a pod.

Kamsin said...

This is beautiful. Thank you so much!

Going For Greatness said...

Such a lovely, tender poem! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work drug paxil

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading this, such a beautiful pom :)

Anonymous said...

silly bubby missed out the e* in poem!!!!!!