Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I was reminded of something that happened to me about a year ago... I wanted to share this story with you, it is such a great reminder to me, hopefully it will be to you as well...

Stress... I was stressed. And in a hurry. Trying to get somewhere and get there quick. I had to stop and get food. I promptly stopped in at the Subway right near my apartment and got a sandwich. I got back into my car and headed toward the highway. As I pulled up to the light near the interstate, I saw a man sitting in the median. He wasn't very old, maybe 30 or so, with a long hair and an unshaven face. He looked unkempt, but not crazy. In fact he almost looked embarrased that he was having to beg. He held a sign written on a scrap of cardboard, it read "hungry, will work for food". Without even thinking at all, I reached into the passenger chair and grabbed the Subway bag. I rolled down the window and stuck out my arm with the sandwich.

"Hey man, you hungry?" I yelled out at him. Quickly he jumped up, ran toward my car, and thanked me for the food that I handed him. I smiled, "God Bless" I said, and I rolled up my window.

Before the window was even fully rolled up, I let him in. No, not the hungry man... Satan. Satan didn't just come into my head, he bombarded it. I started stressing... even more than before. Thoughts raced through my head... "How could I have just given away my sandwich, grrrrrr! Now I am going to have to stop again!" "I am going to be even later to bible study than I was already!" "I am starving!" "You were trying to save money, now you gotta go spend another $5 on another sandwich!"

STOP...silence... what was I doing? I can't believe I just convinced myself that helping out someone in need was wrong?!? At that moment, I composed myself, and prayed.

I stopped in the shopping center near my destination to pick up another Subway sandwich. I ordered and went to pay. As I was almost out the door, I realized that I had forgotten to get my subway stamp (I don't think they have these anymore, but you used to collect 8 stamps on a card and then you would get a free sandwich). I turned around and walked back to the counter and asked the man for my stamp. "Oh, sure" he replied, as he winked and handed me EIGHT STAMPS.

As I walked away from that Subway with a sandwich in one hand and enough stamps to get me a free sandwich in the other, I realized that I had just learned one of the most valuable lessons I could have ever learned.... God will provide. To this day, I have those eight stamps hung on the wall in my bathroom so that I am reminded each and every day that serving God is not easy. Sometimes serving even requires sacrifice, but no matter what, if my heart is pure and I serve in a way that is glorifying my Lord, then I don't have to worry. I can't let Satan in.

If I am in His will... He will provide.


steve said...

can we be friends? LOL! This is such a great reminder Aim! Good stuff!!

steve said...
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Katie said...

I'm gonna have to start compiling your wonderful posts and make my own book of reflections and encouragements

JCR said...

A great lesson indeed, Aim.

Amstaff Mom said...

Wow. The lesson was worth far more than $5. It doesn't always work out where we have instant blessings when we give, but so many times it does. Some are monetarial, others are eternal. Time and time again, when we've given when we "really didn't have it" to give, He's blessed us so much.

I love that you saved the coupons as a reminder. The reminder was far more valuable than the sandwich too.

Thank you for sharing your story. Great reminder. Great job!!!

Mark D said...


Fantastic post, Aimee!

God is SO FAITHFUL to provide as we obey Him in blessing others. He has proven that time and time again in my life.

I also like that you posted those stamps on your wall. Great reminder!

Greg said...


I am hungry for subway now.

Anonymous said...

Very nice site!