Thursday, January 12, 2006


Irritated, agitated, frustrated, resentful, anxious, stressed, tense, ill tempered... you know them well, these are the feelings of impatience. What is it about having patience that is so hard? Why are we so impatient with God, when he is so patient with us? When we are impatient we waste energy worrying about how slow things are changing instead of directing that energy toward the changes you desire. I read once that patience is the ability to accept your human frailty in the pursuit of personal, physical, emotional, and spiritual growth. Hum?? I like that. What is your human frailty? What is your mountain to climb? What set of circumstances do you have to overcome? How are you going to handle them... with impatience?

1 comment:

Mark D said...

Patience is becoming more and more scarce as our world becomes increasingly 'drive through'. We want instant results for everything. I found myself getting impatient at Taco Bell when the lady in front of me ordered $15 of food and my order ($1.06) ended up taking 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds. Lord have mercy.